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You're viewing 1602 A.D. Cheat Codes

Game Name : 1602 A.D.
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2001-12-19 14:10:24
Views : 32005

Cheat Mode:
Hold Ctrl + Shift + Alt + W during gameplay. At the bottem left corner of the screen a prompt will appear. Type in 2061 and press A and then Enter. This will turn on the cheats. Now you can enter the following:

shift + M Money
shift + Z Bricks
shift + k Cannon
shift + h Wood
shift + t Tools
gold Gold
fastgame All Building

5 Tons of Whatever:
First enable the cheat mode, then type in Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W again and then type in a number from 02 to 24.Then press Enter and A. Each time you press A, you will get 5 tons of the number. If you want another, just type in another number and press enter and a (Tested on the German version)

02 Iron Ore
03 Gold
04 Wool
05 Sugar Cane
06 Tobacco
07 Cows
08 Corn
09 Flour
10 Iron
11 Swords
12 Guns
13 Cannons
14 Food
15 Cigars
16 Spices
17 Cocoa
18 Alcohol
19 Fabric
20 Clothing
21 Jewellery
22 Tool
23 Wood
24 Bricks

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1602 A.D. Cheat Codes at Game Score

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